TGB's Letter


Dear Parents,

First, we hope you love our Diapers, as a parent you know that diapering is a significant expense and environmental concern. We started this company to solve three problems we faced as new parents: freeing our kids bottoms from harmful chemicals, having an affordable diaper solution and leaving this planet a better place for our kids.

We hope to be as transparent as possible with our products and respect the trust our customers have on us. We want to be a part of the solution to responsible diapering and even if we can build a slightly improved diaper, we know we are heading in the right direction. We strive to keep reinventing our products in such a way that we can find a common ground between functionality and environmental impact. We strive to source responsibly and will always be thoughtful of our environmental impact. All our diapers come with disposal bags to ensure safe disposal of used diapers making it easier for the sanitation workers.

We are all ears for your feedback and we assure you that we will make the diapering process easier for you parents.

With Love,

Sindhu Manjari

Mom of a 2-year-old, A Photographer and now an Entrepreneur


Mom of 1-year old twins, An ex- Lawyer and now an Entrepreneur